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How to Pick Your Next Camera
April 30, 2020 Mauséy

How to Pick Your Next Camera

Posted in Senior Pictures, Underwater Photography, Wedding Photography

Cannon camera are amazing to use.

Your Next Camera

Today, people have many options for cameras.   Cell phones have become the mainstream of the camera world.   They take good picture, but they will never replace a real camera; one with lenses or at least one that allows you to zoom in or out.  Yes, cell phones can add some fun to the picture.  But it cannot take a great photo every time.  To do that, you would need a real camera.

When purchasing a professional camera, the first step you should take is to some research.  Go online, ask your friends, go to the Electronic store, and talk to a clerk.  Do not just go out and buy one.   Personally, I love my Nikon D300 and D700.   They are great cameras, however you do not need one, unless you want to make photography your profession.   Do you get a Nikon, Cannon, Sony, or some other brand?   What do you know about cameras?  What are you taking pictures of?  Those are questions you need to ask yourself.

The great thing about the digital world is you can get cameras that teach you as you go.   The Nikon D3500 is one of those cameras.   Some of the CannonUsing great lenses only help your photos. Mausey Studios. Rebels can also help with aspects of teaching.   Or you can always watch YouTube videos on how to take a great shot.   Some studios offer classes, including Mausey Studios.   Or you can do what I did and teach yourself.  Most importantly, take pictures and practice taking the perfect shot.


Furthermore the most important thing about your jump into the photography world is your Lens/glass.  You can buy the most expensive camera in the world and if you do not have a good lens, the camera is just a good paper weight.   Glass will make or break your camera.   There are many types, brands and lengths.  You will just have to figure out what fits your needs the best.

Lastly, if you want to know more about classes or just to chat, do not hesitate to contact me.  I look forward to seeing you and your new camera out in the world.

Check out our photo gallery for some of examples of the pictures you can get with a great camera.